Monday 19 December 2011

Day 13 - Redlands United final day in the UK before departing for home consisted of a visit to central London to experience some famous traditional and historical culture.

Starting at Trafalgar Square, we take a walk down past the Horses Guards to Downing Street and then onto the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.

A nice walk through St James Park to Buckingham Palace and then to finish the day off at the very famous Lillywhites sports store on Regents Street.

Rob and Dylan spare a nut for the very friendly grey Squirrels in St James's Park.

The boys pose for a picture outside Buckingham Palace.

Gary leads by example, braving the cold with a smile on his face.

After the sightseeing day in London, Redlands United head to the airport to depart for home.

A truly wonderful and valuable experience for the group.

From Steve and Gary of AMsportstours - all the very best and we look forward to next year!!

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