Tuesday 13 December 2011

Day 8 - Redlands have their final training session in Spain and time to relax before the end of Madrid presentation.

The players are given a bit of extra time to relax before the final training session in Spain. It is noticable that the players are learning from this experience in the way they play and it is hoped that they can take this experience and transfer it into their performances when they return to Australia.

Sergio starts the session with a fun game where players have to avoid each other whilst holding hands with a partner!

Sergio gives Kieran some advice on his movement to create space to receive the ball.

Jarod saves well from a shot from Aidan.

EDUKICK MADRID coaches Sergio and Poli were very impressed with the Redlands players and how they performed and conducted themselves. Sergio was keen to express to the players to keep working hard as they have a lot of talent.

Each player was given a training bag as a momento of their time in Madrid, training with Sergio.

Even the Redlands Coaches got recognised!

The final afternoon in Madrid allowed the boys free time to relax.

Some of the players decided to take on the elite pool team of Graham and Steve. After around 20 games of pool, the players realised they had more chance of winning the Spanish lottery than beating this unstoppable pair!!!

Final meal in Spain.

The Man of the Match award was presented to Lachy Gorry for his superb performance against Colmenar. Many of the players performed well in this match, however, Lachy was outstanding in the middle of midfield. He controlled the game and caught the eye of the Madrid coaches as being technically excellent!

And so Redlands United complete their Spain leg of the tour. A tremendous time was had by all and the players will take a lot of positives from this experience.

Steve would like to thank the group and wishes the players all the best for the season and also the future.

Next stop is London for the final leg of the tour, where they will meet Gary who is AMsportstours representative in the UK. They will continue this excellent experience with some surprises for the group along the way!


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